making apple cider

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Can I power my car with cider?

Hey I had never considered running my car on Cider, but if you have way too much cider left over at the end of the year, this could be a way to use it up, convert it to ethanol and do your shopping run powered by cider!

This article examines the idea of making ethanol from apples, and whether this could be practical.

Using the back of an envelope and a calculator if you travel 10,000 miles per year, using ethanol at 50 miles per gallon, ( to make the calculation easy ) You would need
200 gallons of ethanol, for a years worth of fuel.

The amount of cider needed to make that quantity of ethanol would be......
If your cider is 5% alcohol content you would need 200 x 20 = 4000 gallons of cider originally. You probably need about 1.5 acres of apple trees to give you that amount of cider.

So with 2 acres of trees you could be self sufficent in fuel apples and cider.

Ethanol: Not a Kernel of Science in It
From the June 2, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

This guy looks at using ethanol for fuel, but it probably isn't practical as the inputs are way too high to be useful. An interesting article on fuel conservation and alternative sources of energy.

If you want to make cider learn how at my website,
Make Apple cider

To learn about ethanol as an alternative fuel and its problems go to this site:

by Laurence Hecht

Not a kernal of science

Cheers Paul


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